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Seeking Shade

In Frances Boyle’s short story collection Seeking Shade, nuanced characters endure trauma, evolution and epiphany as they face challenges, m

Dingbats, Ornaments and Fanciful Initials
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In this spare, poetic novel, a young homeless man finds solace in friendship, falls prey to the machinations of a malevolent gang of thugs, and ult

Devil's Artisan #86: Spring/Summer 2023

Bill Poole's uniquely transcendental approach to Henry David Thoreau's The Bean-Field

Fall 2023 Catalogue

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Ode to a Poem

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Coach House at Fifty: A Retrospective (Sticky Fingers Edition)

Coach House at Fifty looks back at an underreported slice of the complex history of one of Canada’s most celebrated small, literary publis

Davy the Punk
Davy the Punk

Celebrated Canadian folk singer Bob Bossin tells the story of his father’s life in the gambling underworld of the 1930

Changing Channels
Changing Channels

Renowned advocate and legal trailblazer Peter S.

Let That Bad Air Out
Let That Bad Air Out

Stefan Berg revives the wordless graphic novel in his portrait of the ‘first man of jazz’. Very little is known of Buddy Bolden.

Buying on Time

The anecdotes, extended scenes and burgeoning imagination that make up these stories are tightly composed and sharply focused.

A Suit of Nettles
A Suit of Nettles

A new edition of James Reaney’s classic long poem which has been described, variously, as ‘the toughest and funniest, most literary and most seriou

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